| 1. | Effective factors of training transfer 培训迁移影响因素研究述评 |
| 2. | Making the outside training transfer a kind of inside self - awareness need a very long procedure 要使学生将外显的训练内化为一种自我意识,需要相长的一个过程。 |
| 3. | So , in order to improve the roi of training , it is a realistic and urgent issue to study how to improve the training transfer and what factor effects training transfer in hotels 因此,对饭店培训迁移这一培训关键环节进行研究、探讨,提高饭店的培训迁移率便成为一个非常具有现实意义的紧迫课题。 |
| 4. | Many hotel invests in staff training , but a lot of trainees ca n ' t apply the training skill in their daily work sufficiently namely training transfer inefficiency , thus training output is very little 很多饭店对培训加以投入,但很多情况下员工不能将培训中所学内容有效地应用于工作之中(即不能进行培训迁移) ,不仅员工素质的提高成为空谈,饭店的培训投资也没有收益。 |
| 5. | The first part introduces some fundamental theory and concept . the second part is about the survey and the quantitative analysis of the data . the third part analyzed factors influencing training transfer 本论文分为三大部分:第一部分为概念界定和有关理论基础的介绍;第二部分介绍问卷调查的情况及对数据的定量分析结果;第三部分应用前两部分的研究成果,重点分析在饭店培训实际工作中应该着重注意的关键点。 |
| 6. | The first theoretical contribution of this article is the finding of three factors that are cause - effect relation with training transfer . the second is the proving of some foreign viewpoint in china environment . the practical contribution is that i made a quantitative approach applied to compare training transfer effect in different hotels 本篇论文的理论贡献在于发现了3个新的与培训迁移效果呈因果关系的因素;验证了一些适合于中国酒店员工的国外学者的观点;实践贡献在于建立了一种可以比较不同酒店培训迁移效果的定量方法,并且通过运用因子分析方法为饭店提供了进行迁移效果影响及其排序原因诊断的方法。 |
| 7. | At first , some factors which may affect training transfer were founded through a hotel survey and documents summarize . then another survey was conducted and the data was analyzed using quantitative approach . in this way , four factors showing high relation with training transfer and four other factors display cause and effect relation with transfer were confirmed 本论文运用实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,首先通过文献研究和对酒店员工的第一次问卷调查,初步寻找到了可能会影响酒店培训迁移效果的一些因素;在此基础上,又进行了另一次问卷调查,通过对这些问卷数据的量化分析,确认了与饭店培训迁移有直接因果关系的4个因素和与之有高度相关关系的其他4个因素。 |
| 8. | In addition , we talk over the types of transfer , the conditions of transfer generation and the method of training transfer ability . according to these research works above , our view is that virtual experiments should train students master conception , theory and the method of problem settlement , because the capability of problem settlement is more important than the exterior behavior skill to students " living experiments 在探讨了虚实之间迁移存在的类型、迁移发生的条件及迁移能力培养方法的基础上,本课题认为,虚拟实验应侧重于概念、原理、解决问题的方法和能力,对行为技能的训练则相对弱一些,因为问题解决能力伴随着学生的生活经验的重要性远比去获得一套外在的行为技能要重要得多。 |